Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Best of Plans Never go as Planned

We found out the hard way that Lufthansa airline runs a tight ship. It is their strict policy that states if passengers are a minute late to check in, they vacate their right to board to the plane... This is what happened to Greg, John, and I; and as we sat around discussing our contingency plan, which included finding something to do this weekend in Boston waiting for the next available flight on Monday, we were told that two seats had not been filled. If we were willing to split up, we could get on the plane.

Greg, being the selfless and self assured guy that he is volunteered to stay behind and manage to follow us somehow (he and Roman would take care of this in their own technologically savvy ways).

As John and I checked in, we were told that the only available seats were in business class. It was a stylish trip. Six hours to Frankfurt, three hours to Moscow, and we found Roman. He let us know that Greg was currently in London.

We experienced first hand the fact that Moscow has the worst traffic in the world. Little cars dart in and out of lanes and slam on their brakes, swerving around the traffic in front with utmost control. Almost two hours of this to travel what may have been thirty miles.

The rest of the afternoon was spent touring Moscow. We began at Christ the Savior Cathedral, taking in the pastel colored domes and high arches. The people are all pretty with chiseled features and sleek fashion. The buidlings are worn but colorful, and new construction is everywhere. Fifteen or twenty wedding parties were out walking the bridges among strolling groups. The whole city seemes to be getting married.

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